Top 5 Joomla mobile extensions and templates
In the mobile age which we are living in, more and more users access websites via smart mobile devices such as the iPhone, Android-based or Windows-based mobiles. It brings a new challenge to website developers - Providing the look-and-feel of a mobile device's user interface effectively.
Joomla CMS is not an exception. Joomla developers provide some mobile solutions for your websites. Take the phone out of your pocket and check out your website with the mobile Joomla products below.
On the mobile, only the main content should be displayed. You can create a friendly website layout for mobiles by using an extension.
Joomla Mobile extensions worth trying
Mobile Joomla
Free plan available - Pro version starts at $29
If you ask about mobile solutions on forums, Mobile Joomla might be one of the first extensions I would give recommendations.
This extension permits you to present your website on all mobile devices (Free Plan is limited for Tablet device). Come in many advanced settings but not complex, all the features are self-explanatory very well.
Also, the extension comes with a good function default template for mobile.
One set back for Mobile Joomla is the preview device is very outdated. For example, for IOS preview is iPhone 6, Nexus 5 is for Android.
Paid product - 49 Euro
With 180 positive reviews on JED, Responsivizer is a number one rated extension for mobile display.
Position itself as a full-stack solution for mobile display. It appears to be true since apart from basic features like adaptive images, resizing and optimization, support all mobile devices, it offers features that none other extension has like:
- Google Analytic code support
- Up to 4 customizable mobile menus
- Touch-optimized: swipe, pinch, zoom, etc
- Click to call button.
- Support Joomla 4 Alpha version
- And many more
However, the demo of this extension was not built well. It’s complicated and doesn’t highlight the advantage features.
DSC - Device Specific Content
Free to download - Pro plan available
Device Specific Content is a Joomla plugin support for displaying on mobile. It quite straight forward and does not have any setting to configure.
To use this plugin, you simply have to activate it, then use the syntax or API in your article, modules, and template to render or not render a content specifically for a desktop, tablet or mobile device
This plugin will suite better for developers than normal users.
Summarize of the DSG features
- Optimized, device-specific output of all HTML content
- Server-side filtering of the content
- Usage with a simple syntax or via API call (for code)
- Detection of Mobile (Smartphone), Tablet and Desktop
- Uses a lightweight detection class (Mobile Detect)
- Language: German and English
JSN Mobilize
Free to Download - Pro plan available at $49
Unlike any Joomla mobile extension in the market, JSN Mobilize enables you to custom the mobile layout with a drag-n-drop feature on every device without any coding requirement.
When your template is not responsive perfectly, JSN Mobilize is the extension to go to ensure your site mobile friendly. Let’s have an overview of this extension’s outstanding features:
- Multiples Operating system support
- Enhance the page speed at least 170% in limited-bandwidth
- Organize layout visually
- Live mobile preview
- Over 30 effective parameters to setting
- Come with 6 mobile layout styles for all devices
- Data backup
Paid product - 49 Euro
jAMP focuses on generating the AMP page, which is a very lightweight version of a website (has been stripped of cookies, 3rd-party Javascript, slow-loading ads, and many like them). Another solution for making your mobile site load really fast. However, fast don’t mean friendly, since it will get rid of many style elements, your style and even your site navigation may get affected.
Therefore, be careful when implementing this extension on your site. Strictly executed with the help of a professional would be better.
Nonetheless, jAMP is a high-quality extension that ensures you will get the best AMP version of your site with minimum effort. jAMP main functionalities include:
- AMP Automatic conversion
- Highly customizable
- Mobile auto redirection to AMP pages
- AMP generator for various elements: menu, sidebar, social sharing, slideshow, youtube, etc
- Support all SEF URLs
- Support Joomla 4 Alpha version
If this extension doesn’t suit your needs, there are still more Joomla AMP extensions to choose from.
These extensions above are the top 5 Joomla extensions to build a mobile-friendly site. If you search on JED with the keyword “mobile display”, you will see many other Joomla extension that developed for a task related to mobile, like creating a banner or special menu. However, after testing and looking at details, those extensions are no longer get updated and some of them are far from working as described.
Therefore, to save you the time testing them, let's stick with these 5 extensions for a friendly mobile display.
Is a responsive Joomla template enough for you?
A great question to ask for. With the advancement of technology, responsive design is popular nowadays. Almost every Joomla template on the market has these features. So, why do we still need a Joomla extension for the mobile display?
Because being a mobile-friendly is different from being responsive. While with responsive, your layout will auto-resize with every mobile screen, mobile-friendly do not change regarding the device.
Therefore, in some responsive design, you will see there are some elements or module does not display well in some devices. Then you will need to custom a layout for mobile. In that case, these Joomla mobile extensions will come into play.
Some Joomla templates like JoomlaShine has the option to custom or hide elements for mobile device within its framework. A great combination for anyone who wants both responsive and mobile-friendly design.
You can learn more about customizing mobile layout with this guide.
Joomlashine is a top-provider for Joomla templates and extension. When coming to mobile display, we take the problem very seriously by developing JSN Mobilize, an extension for friendly mobile display and responsive features in our Joomla templates. Let's take a look if you haven’t found a problem with this matter.